Breach of Trust
Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)
Hi my dear readers and followers in India schools were started and run with the approval of government .For this operation many good hearted charity minded Christian missionaries were offered huge funds.
One interest of these schools is to educate and promote the language English. They have succeeded in this matter more than 100%. In India English Knowledge is well enough in comparison with any other countries in Southeast Asia. This has given an additional strength to Indian to be on the table for communication. Sincere Thanks to Missionaries for this good act as a social reformation.
Though English is a foreign Language Government's in India had admitted this tin education policy with high priority. But at the same time in India the governments were not supported this much to develop Hindi Language is a curse. Also No state languages crossed to other state is also to be noted. In the interest of promoting provincial languages No government till date has opened schools in other states/province has to be noted. Because of No unity/superiority complex (Advantage to politician’s in India) People in India have interest to have education with Hindi language also. This is necessary to understand the political developments in India by all Indians. Three language system is required. Also students can be asked to study any number of languages through authorized institutions by government before their graduation. Higher number of languages studied students (priority to Indian languages and then to foreign languages) must be honored by Gold Medals by the governments is also a need of this time. This can be declared by a law .All educated and Nobel persons must think on this to react. Please.
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