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Here is hot news about Media Freedom and development.
The Global Forum for Media Development called on the European Union and African Union to put media freedom at the heart of their development policies. The GFMD is presenting a statement “Media and Development: Building Free, Independent and Pluralistic Media in Africa” to the European Development Days that took place in Stockholm from October 22-24. We people on the earth need this forum is a union of all countries. People in the media world all has to take part in such meetings by Global forum. In this global forum you have to frame uniform common rules applicable to all media people in the world. This is the urgent need of this world now. Because Media Freedom should not be interrupted on any cause unless /otherwise it is in the limitation of human ethics and when it is in line with the framed rules. Then only Media development can be expected. Mainly, Political disturbance/influence is not to play any role in media freedom or development. This will pave way for partiality, and incorrect data/matter or messages with much confusion were can be the result out of it. The government / ruler also will not have confidence or belief fully on any published matters. Governments / rulers have to expect the matters profoundly to perform certain revolutionary or reformatory acts as welfare measure to care people. So it is right say, that Media Freedom is an absolute necessary across the world. Media freedom will enhance the level of developments in many set ups in caring people. Media freedom will pave way for a strong role /part in political/ministerial set up of any governments in the world.
Media also should maintain her force with in ethics and restrictions. Media freedom and a Global Media forum will solve many matters in this world. We people can expect many common standards in many spheres of business and economy. Future generation will not face any problem.
Read the following Lines:
“The European Development Days are a great opportunity to celebrate development work. We are pleased that the agenda includes a session on media and development, but that is not enough,” said GFMD director Bettina Peters.
Yes! This is a good step towards progress in media and development but in a short future we the people in the world want to see a remarkable change, that is The Media Development days in turn to result Media Freedom day.
I strongly believe that Media people are expecting that good day at the earliest. Great people like Mr. Bettina Peters were planted the seed and it has to grow well before the next session.This is possible with an International Media Support .
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