.Hi to my dear viewers ,readers, visitors,followers and broad casting friends, Let us stay together for a long term association.
Here is a message letting you know Copenhagen. Yes!, this is the part of this world, where, about 190 countries discussing to bring down a solution to tackle the ethnic issue ,climate change. We people on the earth must realize the importance of this severe threat to the young generations to come and to act accordingly. we all people must give a single voice on this matter.Unique thought and acceptance of the same will give a permanent solution to this problem.
we people must start reducing the use of automobiles. Even for a short distance we use automobiles. It should be reduced. As a replacement we must start walking to go for any short distance matters.This will reduce a sum of change in climate.
Another action required is unifying the rivers by which floods and its consequent damages can be reduced . Also to Note we must go for planting many Trees. Nature must be safe guarded by all means.
Next to this using atomic energy and missile tests must be reduced and gradually has to be stopped. Because many missiles tests fails and it lands in to the ocean. Here Archimedes principle will definitely apply. so depth of the sea in that missile landed area will get increase. and water will go back in to the sea by making a change in the sea shore level. Animals living in water were killed due to this missiles tests. This should be stopped at least for a period of 20 years.
Here I would like to drag the kind attention of U N O ,and all other Forums for Human welfare along with all Royal Monarchies and Governments in developed and developing countries must have a strong role to do a Thing as a First step.
That is , All nations have noticed T Tsunami and consequent damages in many Asian countries. If possible please run the video of that incident. Here in this video you can find that at Indonesia shore when T tsunami attacking The coconut Trees are found to be challenging to face that situation. If you stop and watch that Hotel in the bay Tsunami vanishes many but it could not have done any damage to these coconut trees. So It is a lesson to our Human community. so immediately nations with sea shore must go for planting Coconut Trees in the sea shore. This may cause any type threat (smuggling)to security but we must plan accordingly by many measures to increase the security systems at the sea shore.Coast guard has to be strengthened with much human power.Creates employment opportunity.It is a good sign.This coconut trees were with strong fiber formation. so fiber is much effective than wood is also a lesson.we think in this matter also.
Alright . let me post my rest of my thoughts in my next post. If my opinions written here are felt useful ,may please give a recognition to me as a human being living with you all .
Once again thank you. to know more over and over please visit this blog again and again. bye bye.
please allow me to go for a short break.
A symmetry boggles over a snag.
with Love r.k.sundararajan. rksr3333@gmail.com
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