Hi my dear follower's and visitors nice to see you all once again in this post. Thank you for staying connected. Here is a message letting you know about European Union.
The European Union is founded on 1st November, 1993. This is formerly known as European community or European Economic Community. The aim of this foundation is to have a control economy. The economy is ruled by money in different formats from different countries. So when it has been felt that economy not to go out of control, it created common money is Euro is now in use in 27 countries. They are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic,Denmark, Estonia , Finland,France,Germany,Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy,Latvia, Lithuania,Luxembourg,Malta, Poland,Portugal,Romania,Slovakia,Slovenia,Spain,Sweden,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Let us hope all the remaining countries will also join in this force. All countries all filled with same human community with the same nature and the soil of the earth is divided is for administrative reasons is also well known to all peoples in particular to scholars and Rulers.
Now they all must come forward as a need of this time in the world to admit common money to use by the people of this world. Banking and finance will get exact growth in the financial matters through out the world. If this is not happening than we are all unfit to live on the earth, because we are unable to value Human life and the value of generations to come. We are sure that we cannot stick on this world more than 100 years approximately. So let us think and do this good thing to happen for the benefit to our generations to come.
Than only the sacrifice of Lord Jesus, Lord Allah, Hindu God’s and other gods and great saints lived were all become meaningful. In Other words, if, this is not happening than we have no faith in human on the earth and we have no complete faith in Lord and in our conscious with all present technology in all spheres(All become useless). The common money concept created and implemented for the benefit of the people on the earth in all countries. Many confusions and wrong strategies can be eliminated from economy if all the Nations in this world to accept in a unified manner. This has to be accepted by all countries by keeping in mind the Next generation. The U N O has to involve in this matter as an appreciation to European community to have a get together of all countries and as a measure to strengthen the world economy. This will be a strong measure which will help the future generation to get escape from the financial crisis. We all need to think why we are not acceptable to even a common money transaction programmed in the world. This is a must is well known to all our Rulers so keeping in mind about the present financial crisis Please to come forward to take a bold step towards the use of common money in all countries.
Or We people to have Gold as a common standard with the same price at gold to sell in all nations. But I feel this is not possible but the earlier one is (common money) is possible and it will help all nation in major level in reducing the black money also. Why I felt gold cannot be set as a base because few may start to claim oil to be the base for common standards. Again the confusions will start and will not allow to a favoring decision to people of this world. Let us hope European Union will also take some urgent measures with dialogues at U N O as a step towards the welfare of People on this earth. This will be a great service to our Human society by European Union and U N O .Also it is a great task which will bring all nations in one line and will work on common thought will increase Love and affection between people is the Real growth to the human society. This will strengthen the U N O and its values. Let us hope the good thing to happen as a miracle to get all nation united in a common table for a common cause for a common development on the earth.
This is the real green signal towards eliminating the terrorism. Because the unity of all nations in a common forum will make the terrorists to get change their mind and it will create a pressure in their mind and pull their mind towards peace. The main thing in terrorism is backed by money from different countries indirectly. By Introducing common money in all countries will definitely struck the money flow with the terrorist people/team/gang /group also. So It will create a huge pressure on them to come out for dialogues to solution for their problems. Let us hope a great sun shine will broke out as a wonder in revolutions, in specific by a non violent measure through this Common Money resolution.On humanitarian grounds.
Apart from terrorism common Money will eradicate Black Money on the earth. Economy will flourish.
Holy Father Benedict xvi at Vatican city may initiate this matter with U NO and European Union and with the remaining countries. This will be a Hall Mark.
This is a humble request to Father at Vatican city from human being on the earth.
Decision Points
The Gift
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