In this producer and all technicians inclydes hero and heroine and director were paid promptly is also to be noted in this matter. this Television net work is also carrying many charitable action through its trust silently .In future This Sun net-work may become producers of many pictures to bring a healthy environment in film Industry.
This Net work is doing all its actions with good courage. Both the chair person of this Sun net work and his family members were engaging themselves in all social reformation acts in a silent manner. Now they are helping people connected to media and film industry . . This net work is having a strong political background is may partially correct but its success lying with the hands of Sun TV Team net work and it is out hard earned money. As per the history the people may support from political front were also worked very hard. so money earned out of hard working never fail to give high results.
so Sun network may try to have a Sun studio as their own to use in film making and for its television. We wish this to happen.
Here we all in a position to convey our sincere salute to Hard working Sun Net work team. Good Luck and Good wishes.Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)
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