Hi, my dear friends and viewer's of this blog ,now i present this new post about Human security Department. We people on earth through all government of all nation Suggest A Resource: Disability.gov Shared via AddThis'>wedded with Police/polish department. Right from child hood a fear created about the name police in every mind. It is a pollution in human life. Police is a person who saves us all from situations. They must be respected. They are dignified people in this world on earth.
what happened in reality?we all forgotten to respect them/use them properly for the right purpose in the right matters in the right way. so to correct this mistake we need a change in Police recommend to all government to accept the same .
The idea here is,all government in all nation has to go for a name change to police. First all government has to change its name as Human security Department. They give secured life to people in all respects except in few occasions. That is because of Terrorism/terrorist's here we people has to cooperate with them by all means.we should play our supportive role.
First we need to call this department has Human security Department instead of Police department in all countries. for this all Government has to take necessary steps towards it to happen in reality. We need this change to bring people closer to People work in police department on date.Now it is in divided condition or non cooperative. So If the governments are changing this department as Human security department to create an attachment and closer relation with all people.above to this The Human security department must be get connected to Human forums in all areas to get closer informations and identity about people live permanently or engage a temporary accommodation in any place in any country. Also The expected Human security department must be given white Uniform instead of kakie uniform as in present condition.They must be allowed to wear any dress to mingle with people very easily. The intelligence department uniform may be given to Chief officer's of this department.
Why i insist this name change?we are saying that we are professionals.we have changed many names to the suitability to the present days. For example the personnel department now professionally called as Human resource department. similarly Police department can also be professionally named as Human Security Department.I Hope all ruler's will have a clear discussion and a decision to accept this name change.
By a change The department will get rejuvenated.It strength with people relation must be focused. They must get united with Public forums. Their should be meetings periodically.
why this is needed?This will help to wipe out terrorism completely from th earth. Also it will become easy for this department to handle any situation with people in any area.
Also to note International Human security department ,people selected from all nation's as member's to be created. They will share every thing between them. this will pave way to eradicate terrorism. In the name religion /caste/or demanding a piece of soil of a nation/looking for any domination on any religion/ are all must be sorted out by discussions. For dialogues and discussions This department must get united with judiciary people ,including from the retired segment of judiciary and administration to form a concrete wing called International union of Human security wing ,can be connected with U N O and can be commanded by U N O.
While people and POLICE/Human security department get united their can be no room for Terrorism. People must give up their fear about this department people. Create a friendly relation to develop the society and not for to get united with terrorists in any part of the world. All terrorists in this world on earth were living along or among with people on earth. NO body will deny this. So Human Security Department must be started at the earliest to care and create friendliness with all people at all areas in all Nations to Create a standard of Living with Peace Security.
While this department works for the security of human life they can be termed as Human Security Department instead of Police department.
Please go for this change . This is my humble request to all Government in all Nation.May U N O please send her Advice suitably to have this changes.I Strongly believe that The U N O under the leadership of Banki Moon will definitely help in this matter to create complete safety and security to human lives on Earth.
This department people must be offered residing areas nearby to their offices but inside the villages/Town/city.They must be taken care by offering food materials distribution at subsidized rates by all ruling Governments .this distribution network Must be mingled with people .Yes,All these department people must be get connected to have their food materials along with the public distribution near by to their residential areas. On the other hand this measure will create a safe and genuine Public distribution . All malafide actions, if any happens now can be curtailed to Zero level.By this mingling This department people brought to a closer relation to people of that area .This department must have their offices in the business centers also. their by they can give security to business.
So employment opportunity increases. because you need to increase the Number of employees in this Department to 2 or 3 times of the present number of employed.This is a must today ,because we people had to eradicate terrorism which claims the valuable human lives from the innocent Segment of people society on earth. we do not want any more blood shed on the earth from any human body. The terrorists ,seeing all these developments ,they must come for dialogues or drop their idea of terrorism.Non violence will get all success for human life on earth.
Thier should be Training schools for the employees of this department to know at least a minimum about law and Language. they must know to read and write in a common language English with the regional language.This also a need of this time in the present world.
They should be given healthy and hygienic food materials for their life by all the government.
A common code of principles must framed between inter poll and this department people .This international code must be clear to state that any terrorist caught in any country ,and wanted by any nation must be handed over in simple terms. Here strictly religious sentiments are not to be allowed.Religion's must be separated from Political administration/Government of any Nation.
If any country objects this changes they are interested in terrorism can be found out very easily.
rest of my suggestion on this matter will posted shortly.
nice to have your visit again and again on every day.
i have linked this post to http://blogmarks.net/my/new.php?mini=1&simple=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.disability.gov%2FsuggestedResource%2Fsuccess&title=Thank+you+for+the+suggestion%3A+Disability.gov&content=http://blogmarks.net.A great hope on Mr. Banki moon, Mr.Barack Obama ,The Royal Government of U.K and all Nation's and all other international societies to draw their kind attention in this regard.
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