Hi my dear broad casting friends, readers, followers and the audience, Thank you for staying connected. Here is a message letting you know Technorati.com. Technorati is a very big network which really helps many bloggers in promoting their blogs Traffic and it provides ranking. Here you have a facility to create an account. It is so simple. Blogs are categorized at Technorati .com .its sister concern and a new development in Internet media is twittorati and Twitter helps all bloggers in promoting your blogs. Now, Technorati is asking bloggers to write reviews/post about Technorati services in your blog post.
This is a great opportunity to you to write about a very big Blog promoting platform. Please do not miss this opportunity. Please visit Technorati.com( http://twittorati.com/blogs) where you will find a form to seek informal approval from them. To submit your writer application takes few seconds.
Here I humbly request Technorati Team to set right the problem if any exists at submission of writer application. In my case the writer application submitted did not gave any reply of acceptance. The page was not changed. Why I do not know. May I request, please, Technorati to do an attempt to fill an application form to know its proper working process. This is not a fault finding but it is a fact on which Bloggers must not deny to take this golden opportunity.
My dear bloggers at Google,xanga,word press,Yahoo,aol,please use this very good opportunity to give our service as a part of our gratitude and as to show now it is our turn .
Hope you bloggers including a blog owned by a person from any high office on this earth; please make your contribution to take Technorati to the highest Limits in this Internet world.
Note: if possible please write a post about Technorati once in a week will be highly appreciated.
Once again Thank you my dear bloggers and readers.
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