My dear lovely viewer's of this blog, my sincere thanks to you for staying connected.
I would like to keep in touch on this site. Please add me to your Friends list so we can stay connected. This is the latest information letting you know Prime Minister of India is right. Yes Mr. Prime minister is right in his comment to say that the confusions at B J P party is a danger to Democracy. Yes Even after many years B J P cannot come back to Power. This is the right time to get dismantle the party on disagreeing on matters and principles of this party. Mr. Jeswanth singh and Mr. Jeswanth singh were the prime people who left recently B J P must come forward to form a new political party in the line and principles of our late Prime minister Sri Morarji Desai. Morarji desai proved to the country that our country can face any challenges. He is the first and the Last prime Minister who brought gold to price to al lower level. Amazing administration cared the middle class and the poor people life as prime. He is the great administrator in this century.
Mr. Vajpayee also a Prime Minister ruled this nation for 5 years. But he did not made any attempt to solve the Ayodhya issue. This issue was created at the time Mr. Narasimha Rao Regime. He also extended support is a message is hidden. But we people do not know why B J P with much interest in Hinduism not resolved this Ayodhya issue amicably in their 5 years term ruled?
Now the right time has come People from B J P has to come out and top form a new nation based political party in the interest to promoting the nation and to work in Indian politics for the welfare of the Indian people and must not aim to mint money from politics.
Politics is a highly responsible and sensible area meant for the public welfare. In many matters Politicians of this world today were going out of ethics. The fun in the matter is almost all nations were with an identity with a single religion. But India is a Non secular country. But terrorism exists everywhere. So it declares Government Machinery in all nations including U N O is not functioning properly. All politicians use this terrorism as a Tool at the time of election in all countries. This ideology should change.
In India also we find few political party try to strengthen their base at states like Uttar Pradesh. Because it has huge population and constituencies is also huge.
to Avoid this an amendment is required . 24 + 6 Union territories must have equal representation in 535 members of our parliament. Merge the constituencies at U P to reduce M P numbers from up or increase Constituencies at other states to increase the M P number (535).
Political parties with huge confusion’s at their party on many reasons will not serve to the nation or people. Clashes/difference of opinion and dismissal of many leaders existing as M P from any party should be a reason to disqualify the party from Politics to help the people of this nation by a law or by Election commission.
Confusions in a leading National political party will definitely will not allow performing at parliament for the welfare of the people. The democracy will be under question. The ruling party will become Monopolistic in their duties and decisions. This is a Danger to democracy.
My dear people of India, we had many leaders’ right from Freedom fight. Now we could not have any leader with social responsibility to value Indian politics and people. Why politicians are allowed to give wrong meaning to Indian politics. Definitely we will be having leaders Family people right from Mahatma Gandhiji, Lalbahadur sasthri, Vallabhbai patel,gokhale, etc. (here I meant the Grandson's and daughters of unselfish and patriot leaders of our India).
Please find out our good leader's for future. It is must. Now with the situation B J P is not fit for National Party to take care people of India.
Even the third front framed at the time election which can be worked out now. Try it now thinking the future of India.
In particular we are from middle class and suffer from all problems in our life with many solutions pending to arrive over a long period is our life history. Middle class people economy in the world weakening and going to increase the poverty level in the Nations if the Political situation continues to be the same.
So a change in politics is must.
For example small countries like Korea is running corruption free Government. No corruption at Korea. Also Korea send team to different countries to train those nation’s in demand to train and get the same corruption free set-up of government.
India can do wonder’s in this world.
Media is also supporting or backing political parties in all nations. They last their interest to show their Power as Fifth power in the world. They can do well in people welfare is expected. God only can change their track to people welfare from politician welfare.
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