we Indians Respect Supreme court of India ,President of India ,Prime Minister of India and Minister's and Personalities with a Title "Honourable".
Due to some reasons few might have been declared Convicted by Supreme court and that can be treated as fate.But ,Because of He or She held high office / because of Late He/Late She held high office any convicted must not be treated /called with the "Title" "Honourable" is People view in India. Now the time has come to stop this wrong act by people.
if this is not accepted and agreed than we people in India were not interested to Pay Respect to the Deserving Authorities is the painful output and a self declaration declaring that we Indians were savages in a Human society of this world clubbed with educated fools and illiterate fools is my painful belief.
All Politician's in India must Under stand and to tie the above said ideology about future politics in India is my Humble view.
People in Press And Media to call the attention of people in the state /(Nation accordingly)to join hands ,first by Poll in their sites, than in person than in action in applying peaceful methods only strictly is my view.
This will bring a change and will pave way easiness in finding a People servant/Leader for Next Generation with out intension to make money from political office, so I wish to recommend immediately after this political office of a person /leader must be with people service minded and not money earning minded and with a clear realisation informing Politics is not a Profession or career where only services can be done and money can not be grabbed on any source .
Connected to our Tamil Nadu State President of India May please issue an order to Dissolve the present Assembly and to call the High authorities to arrange for an early Tamil Nadu Assembly Election is my strong Recommendation.
Regards. j.k.sundararajan.
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