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Monday, February 14, 2011


Buzz It
This is the latest information letting you know,Romance.Interestingly, these studies reveal that he neural mechanisms of romantic attraction are distinct and arousal. Brain scans of young men and women in love reveal that the experience of romantic attraction activates those pockets of the brain with a high concentration of receptors for dopamine, the chemical messenger closely tied to states of euphoria, craving and addiction.When we experience the first flush of love, we often show the signs of surging dopamine;increased energy,less need for sleep or food,focused attention and exquisite delight.
Thank you with Love J K S.

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Buzz It
This is the latest information letting you know, Dyslipidemia.
Dyslipidemia  or lipid abnormalities sorresponding to high LDL cholesterol,low HDL cholesterol,or high triglycerides - can also be hereditary. The concept that only obese or overweight people are prone to cholesterol abnormalities in a myth. we may lack enzymes to metabolize the cholesterol. Abnormal cholesterol can cause fatty deposits of plaque in the arteries, leading to atherosclerosis,which is a slow and progressive disease that , in turn, leads to stroke or heart attack.

In case of pre-existing risk factors for coronary disease, cholesterol needs to be controlled more stringently and the normal levels should be maintained at LDL below 80 and TGL below 150. This can be achieved easily by doing exercise for 30 minutes a day or taking drugs like statins.

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