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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Get paid: London Olympics

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Get paid: London Olympics: London Olympics gives a way to women from south Africa in to contests is great news at this time today to this world from bbc.com . How eve...

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London Olympics

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London Olympics gives a way to women from south Africa in to contests is great news at this time today to this world from bbc.com.

How ever somaliya and Afghanistan and its training to terrorists has to be monitored in operation of London Olympics. Any Lapse will cause a great danger to Olympics.

Also London Olympics will also maintain a strong and rigid rules against violation of rules in participation in London Olympics. In particular any source of Drugs and its uses will be monitored by the Scrutinying officiers and team may offer a Good Game of Sports can be expected.

In London Olympics China may be in the First Position in Medal Tally is my forecast as perPlanets position support. In case of any under standing or arrangements may cause china to fall on second position in the Medal Tally.

My Prediction is United Kingdom will be in the second Position in Medal Tally.

United states of America may be in the Third Position.

India may also get two Gold Medals Two Silver and 4 Bronze is my forecast at this time.


Thanks to bbc.com.

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why men die on Heart attack in Large Number Than Woman?

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why men die on Heart attack in Large Number Than Woman? Yes ! the latest statistics say men die on heart attack on large Number in Percentage in United states.

The percentage of women die on Heart attackis very less , how? women were not using medicines or pills for long time sex.

Women in united states or in rest of the part of this world die less on Heart attack.

Men and women consume Alcohol ,in turn it gives a good health on smal quantity consumption. Later stage Liver may collapse. Many Drinkers do have Grey Hair or power loss in their eyes in this world.

Than, is the inetrcourse do this magic of death to men on Heart attack?. No. Normal way of Intercourse in Human life is a Gift and necessary one to Normal life.

Than,Yes here is a answer for Men death on Heart attack in large percentage.

Men in Large Number after 40 Years, uses sex enhancers like Viagra and other sex stimulant Medicines. These medicines Pumps extra flow of blood in to Men sex organ ,also it reduces the Normal blood flow in to Heart . This uneven flow paves way to Heart attack.This is the exactly truth in the fatal death percentage of Men across the world on Heart Attack.


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