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Sunday, April 24, 2011


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Hi viewer's To day is a Easter Day and this is a Lucky Day for me because Page Views of this blog is 4777.

This is a Popular Number in India. This is car Number of Late Chief Minister Mr. M.G.Rama Chandran.
Than he had another car registered from Maharashtra as M G R 4777.

Here I like to say one more information. Sathya sai baba car Number is A D A 9. This may be Ananthapur  District -Andhra 9.

It is well known information 4777 is a Lucky Number. A movie /film  also Named in Tamil as 4777.

Thank you.

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Get paid: The Baba Said So

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Get paid: The Baba Said So: "Hi My Dear Viewer's  here is a message letting you know ,The Baba Said So *In my present avatar, I have come armed with the fullness of the..."

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The Baba Said So

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Hi My Dear Viewer's  here is a message letting you know ,The Baba Said So*In my present avatar, I have come armed with the fullness of the power of formless God to correct mankind, raise human consciousness and put people back on the right path of truth, righteousness, peace and love to divinity.*The very fact that I announced that I am Shirdi Baba 40 years ago, when I was only 10 and when nobody in this part of the South had known or even heard of Shirdi Baba proves that I am Shirdi Baba incarnate.*I do not cheat people by transferring objects; I create them. Again, I do so not because of any need or desire of exhibition of my powers. For me, this is a kind of calling card to convince people of my love for them and secure their devotion in return.*Pumpkins and cucumbers can be materialised as easily as rings or objects. But these are perishable objects and the whole point of materialisation lies in their permanence. That is why rings or watches become more serviceable as talismans or means of contact.*I need no mantra (mystical formula), no sadhana (spiritual practice), no tantra (sacred writings) and no yantra (pilgrimage) to perform the so-called miracles which are natural to my state.*How can science which is bound to a physical and materialist outlook investigate transcendental phenomena beyond its scope, reach or comprehension?From a September 1976 interview to R.K. Karanjia of Blitz

My dear viewer's I read this publication in the following site . This is a part of the information only to read more may please visit the site. 
This I read from this site.To know more may please visit the site.http://expressbuzz.com/magazine/after-sathya-sai-baba-who/263471.html

 * In 1992, a newspaper ran a story that a cameraman of Doordarshan had filmed an assistant stealthily passing on gift objects to the Sai Baba at a public function. The film was not telecast. I understand that this may be a express Paper from tamil Nadu. 
My say;
In a Photo graph sai baba in a red chair  you can see a hand with out skin giving some thing to sai baba is also witnessed by many.. 

 This is my say:
As Miracles chains ,rings Vibhoothi were given to many  like  gavaskar, Tendulkar ,and many others in this world. You can see those things will change soon as  soil or ashes. 

Thank you. 

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The Avatar’s Successor?

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 Hi viewer's here is a message about The Avatar’s Successor? sathya sai Baba. The following is the message published and I read from this site.http://expressbuzz.com/magazine/after-sathya-sai-baba-who/263471.html . Please read the published in  full at this site. A few lines here for your immediate refference from this site given below.

 The Avatar’s Successor?Sai Baba’s frail health has brought the spotlight on R J Ratnakar, the most influential of all the members of the Sathya Sai Central Trust. Ratnakar, 39, is the son of Sathya Sai Baba’s brother late R V Janakiramaiah.Janakiramaiah, who was very active in the Congress, also worked as president of Anantapur District Congress Committee. Ratnakar, though not an avowed Congressman, takes interest in the party politics in Puttaparthi.After Ratnakar did his MBA at the age of 28, he worked for some time in the accounts department of United Breweries in Bangalore. He moved to Puttaparthi and began living there, following the death of Janakiramaiah in 2006.Ratnakar began showing active interest in the activities of the trust. He used to meet Baba every morning and evening, and spend most part of his time with him. This brought him close to Sai Baba. Sources say Ratnakar has control over cable television transmission in Puttaparthi and has a Hindustan Petroleum gas agency there too.State Industries Minister J Geetha Reddy and Ratnakar are good friends. Reddy, a staunch devotee of Baba, meets Ratnakar whenever she visits Puttaparthi.

Please visit that site to read more on this. 

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