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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Get paid: London Olympics 2012 Expenses?

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Get paid: London Olympics 2012 Expenses?: London Olympics 2012 Expenses? Yes! BBC News said London Olympic 2012 had spent 50% of Beijing Olympics(china)2008 Expenses spend by China...

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London Olympics 2012 Expenses?

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London Olympics 2012 Expenses? Yes! BBC News said London Olympic 2012 had spent 50% of Beijing Olympics(china)2008 Expenses spend by China.

This is not right.

I wish to Object This Statement.

1. U.K. Government might have restricted viewers.

2. London Olympics security arrangement would have cost major portion in the expenses informed.

3. China spent at a reduced level to security is also True.

4. Arrangements were at London Olympics to viewers and Sports people are very Good but Expensive is a message.

5.The strength of China is not available at United Kingdom is also a Truth. Yes! China is Thickly Populated Country so probably Viewers will be on the Higher side than at U.K.

6. Population at United Kingdom /at Great Britain is Moderate in Numbers.

7. The eager to watch Games and Sports in Professionals at China was very High in Numbers.

So the Expenses between 2008 and 2012 Olympics should not be compared.

In Olympics at Beijing in 2008 China won Huge Number of Gold Medals. similarly You can expect China will carry increased Numbers from London than the earlier attempt at Beijing at China is my Prediction.

Both Destinations Differ in People Taste and interest.

Above all why we should not compare Beijing Olympics 2008 with London Olympics 2012? This will pave way to degrading one from this Two is not a correct approach.

why because , U.K. is a Developed Country in the world. But China is a Developing Country because of Thick Population .(though china is also Developed we can view China as Ever Developing Nation in the world) so Expenses incurred to china on Hosting Olympics in 2008 (with per capita expenses from each citizen) is very very Cheaper Than this London Olympics 2012 is my View and Opinion.

Also Pound is always on the higher side than Money of china can not be denied by any one in this world. so comparison will not give right results.

Presenting every thing at a level which must not be compared / reached is also a Temperament exists always with British People can not be denied by any one in the world. I can Challenge even if U.S. Hosts Olympics ,it will spent this much of Billions keeping the crucial economy in mind.

You Must Agree on One thing that is Light Torching fire in an arrangement at Beijing was extremely Good.

Bringing The Torch to the London Olympic stadium is extremely Different. Simply it Looks Royal.Blemishing,Sparkling. Why ? My answer is U.K. Respected Nature in this Olympics 2012. That is Respected Thames River and added Values to this River in the course of Olympics arrangement is very Brave act from Royal Government.

Thanks to BBC.com/News. Rest of my Views /compliments /criticisms in the Next post.Please wait until than Good Day and Good wishes.

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Life of Maharashtra is in Danger?

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Life of Maharashtra is in Danger?

Yes! Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray will be discharged from Lilavati hospital next week, the doctors treating him said in Mumbai. Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray, 85, spent his fifth day at Lilavati Hospital,

Doctors said that he will be discharged only next week, as he is still scheduled to undergo few more tests. Now people like Amitab Bachhan , Sachin Tendulkar - M.P. are to come Forward to help Thacheray to have a speedy Recovery is may be a must I believe.


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