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Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Theosophical society

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Hi my dear Broad cast friends and follower's nice to see you again. Let us stay connected. Here is a message letting you know The Theosophical society. The theosophical society was founded at New York on 17 November 1875. 

Its three objects are:

1. To form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or color.

In this point we understand that the Human relation was seeded globally By U S A. with in Two years in 1879 a journal called Theosophist started at Chennai in India. Here it is very clear that the best human relation was started between U S A and India. The age of This Human relation between these countries is about 130 years.  American and Indian human relation is like a watertight compartment. Let us be together in achieving many good results for this human society to live in peace and in Love.

2. To encourage the study of comparative religion, Philosophy and science.

3. To investigate unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in man.

The first great success to the first object of Theosophical society is the Victory of Mr. Barrack Obama as President of America.

The seed planted for Universal Brotherhood as first policy of Theosophical society yielded the success by having Mr. Barrack Obama as president and who got awarded recently The Nobel Prize for similar reasons is an added value to it.

Now it is the turn of Mr. Barack Obama to visit The Theosophical society at New York as a matter of honor and acceptance to the policy of the society. This is my view and opinion. This May be acceptable to Mr. Barrack Obama and to the senate at White House.

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