In our country at Tamil Nadu a common and standard fees is Governing all schools . This has to enable to make all pupil to get educated in all schools. Previously In matriculation schools run by private organization The fees structure was designed by their management and it was so high. so people with high revenue status can only get admitted is the status.
In schools operated by Government free education with free supply of study materials(Books and Notes) . Partially it is right also. Today Their is a strong review at a T V net work. Here people expects that this free education by government is to be offered to all economically weaker. not to be based on forward and backward community.
One hand government policy say that their should be no backward community. on the other hand knowingly the same government is creating another backward community in all farward community.
so In India people community must be divided on economical basis. This is the need of this time. Many politically influenced and hold high positions were also talking about this in many discussions and meetings. but it has to be given importance on high priority.Let us hope it will happen in a short future.
Thank you.
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