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Monday, January 9, 2012

Russia close atomic plants at India?! Russia Today

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Hi this is about Russia close atomic plants at India?!  Russia Today

  Russia is a communist country so in India communist Party will support the plant installation at Kudangulam along with Congress..What is the B.J.P stand on this issue at Rajasthan and at Tamil Nadu  is not known till date .so that B.J.P. did not demanded a white paper production at Parliament about the expenditure for these plants and is their any viability/feasibility  for corruption is not been demanded to investigate is the position of B.J.P. Today. why,what makes B.J.P. to keep silent on this issues is still a surprise?

It is a surprise what stopped wiki leaks could not get any source of information on this issue involved with  Huge Investment from Public Money is also a surprise. How wiki leaks has become incapable on this issue is surprising to me?

In India atomic plants constructed by Russia  at Kudangulam in Tamil Nadu and in Rajasthan and other place may be taken back by Russia and Russia may shift them to its own Land,since Russia has a big Land part

Though India not claimed at Russia , Russia started thinking on this matter. Their is a prevailing talks in Russia between Politicians say that Russia is the Biggest Land Part in size in the World.  Having a Huge soil /land space  at Russia why to offer the facility to other countries and why to claim people Lives  of that country on any war is the Present discussion at Politicians Russia and in all Other countries is vigorously going on.
their is a rumor say why their is an attempt on innocent people at Tamilnadu in Kudangulam,No it should not be ,they say.

In Land size, Russia is the Biggest in the World. But by installing Nuclear Plants at Kudangulam or in other places Russia will get 40% of the production .60% - 40% is the agreement.

  shifting the plants to  Land in Russia will make Russia can avail authority on 100% Production. so from that Russia can sell electricity to any country which demands is the idea now.

But By keeping the operations at the present sites at different countries Russia can have hold authority and at critical time ,like war period , trail and test can be done at the cost of these sites in other countries. on this 100% Damages and consequences to that Countries and not to Russia is also a Talk prevailing Now. 

Let us hope protestors must keep tight control on their demand of closing the Plant.

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Get paid: Iran preparations ?

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Get paid: Iran preparations ?

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Get paid: Iran preparations ?

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Get paid: Iran preparations ?: Hi this is about Iran preparations ? Yes! Iran preparations with pakistan may be a start to endanger United States. This is well knowledged...

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Iran preparations ?

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Hi this is about Iran preparations ? Yes! Iran preparations with pakistan  may be a start to endanger United States. This is well knowledged to Mr.Parvez Mushraff.

Now in a short time Pakistam likely to come under Military Rule once again . Pakistan Developed in all areas in Military Rule term by Parvez Mushraff. Now this is may be a second round.


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