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Thursday, October 20, 2011


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Here is a message letting you know  Bicycle. You must know two important things which helps us in maintaining our health even you have diabetes which can be brought under control by these two matters.

Number one  is walking. you must walk for minimum 30 minutes.

Number two is cycling. cycling will give a good result in maintaining your good health. Cycling will have very good result   in reducing and keeping the diabetes level to Normal.

In many countries Bicycle is used   by people from  all segments(rich,poor) .

School children,Post man,Post women,workers,employees were normally using cycle.In countries like Japan,china,Russia etc you can find people like business owners,factory owners,Industrialists,Rich people were also using Bicycle. These countries claims a major share in car export sales but gives priority to Bicycle usage. what a great idea contibutes a good share in caring countries economy.

Also to note using automobiles become difficult because petrol/diesel price is increasing drastically.

so Please follow this. wishing you all to have a good health at all  times. Before you start this cycling and walking please collect your doctor Advise .

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American Express

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Here is a message letting you know Credit card. Credit card is issued by all banks. The strength of a credit card is- it is issued on Faith. You are allowed to use a sum of money declared as level of credit on your credit card. You can handle this money in a very safe manner. The money is secured in a credit card. As soon you receive your credit card you must sign at the back of it below the magnetic strip. keeping a credit card with out your signature at the back of it than it is on risk. In case stolen or missed others have a chance to operate it.

When you buy any thing you are with the person till swiping it and collect it back. You must ensure your payments on the due date. By this you are gaining the goodwill of the bank which has issued the credit card to you. Late payment will cause penalty.

You are allowed do business with others money with out any security in the form of a credit card at your packet. There is no person this world to lend you their money with out interest for 45 to 55 days from the statement date. if you plan to buy things using your credit card from the next date to the due date you can avail a maximum credit period of 55 to 60 days.

You may have money at your purse. But do not spend it use the credit card and pay the money to the card before 3 days to the due date if it is a cheque payment. This is a great facility of a credit card. Misusing credit card will create problems to you. Planning is required while using a credit card.

You are paying only the money spent from the credit card. No extra charges are levied. Also to note Most of the banks issues credit card as a Life time free credit card. No annual fees or no hidden fees. For example citi bank, SBI, ABN AMRO, HSBC, SCB, etc were issuing Lifetime free credit card. Apply immediately to use in a better manner. You can log on to any bank site to apply for a credit card in online including American Express bank credit card.

Be happy and enjoy this good future from a Bank. Be honest to your bank you will gain highest goodwill.

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Credit limit and cash limit are assigned to card holders based on internal credit criteria or credit.(ADDON card holders share the same limits as that of the primary account holder.)These limits are communicated to the card holder in every statement. The available credit limit at the time of the statement generation is provided as a part of the statement. The bank will review the card holder
account periodically, and increase or decrease the card holder credit limit based on internal criteria. Card holders can make a request, seeking for   credit limit increase. Can do so, by writing to the bank and providing financial documents declaring their latest income. Bank sole discretion and based on such new documents provided, may increase the credit limit of the card holder.

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