I would like to keep in touch on this site. Please add me to your Friends list so we can stay connected. This is the latest information letting you know, SnapShell IDR. This is a driver license scanner system. Normally Drivers are engaged to operate by offices,at houses,at travel/fleet operators,government transports,and public carriers sometimes are engaged continuously for more than 4 or 5 days on a trip. Their connectivity with their family is also missing Or sacrificing for their family. However few drivers use to drive the vehicles without speed controls or driving with consumption of alcohol. This is dangerous to third party life. Also on few occasions vehicle collides and human life loss happens. On few occasions due a technical mistake in mechanical or non mechanical area of a vehicle. So to avoid this already insurance coverage is insisted .However more than this first all Government to carry out this license scanner system at all road traffic points. This will definitely reduce the human loss in maximum. The technology developments and inventions are all for our comforts only. So without any delay as a humanity concern and a special care on their country people government in all nation have to implement this Snapshell IDR .It has many valuable features and easy to handle. Looking for a kind consideration by all who all in a position to take caring of human lives. This system implementation is a vital part of any good administration.
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