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In health care Ayurveda medicines prepared from Herbals are very effective in long term use. You can get relieved from the disease completely after consuming a course of Herbal medicine Tulasi and Vasaka. These are available in capsules and powders.
A capsule of Tulasi offers complementary restorative actions to help recover faster from common cold, sore throat, and other upper respiratory infections.
Two capsules of vasaka after meals provides respiratory comfort by exerting expectorant action.
You would have seen that old ladies in families do apply this vasaka as a paste at the top of the stomach when a child cry due to stomach pain/digestion problem.
Nature’s best.
Please go ahead with these medicines which are nature’s gift. Many leading Indian herbal medicine manufacturer's with an experience over 75 years manufacturing these products.
Nature’s best. Herbs are gathered from forests in a sustainable way or cultivated in a natural bio-friendly environment.
This has high value and role in Indian cultural heritage. To have hand in this cultural heritage please make your business trips to India.
Thank you for shopping the herbal medicines is a part of your health care.
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