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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Barack Obama nominates James Comey to head FBI - federal prosecutor,US attorney,and lecturer on national security law at Columbia Law School!

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Barack Obama nominates James Comey to head FBI
In My view a Right person for this right Job.  Also I like to say that a Right person by a Right Ruler!.

Obama said Comey recognizes that in times of crisis, America is judged not only by how many plots are disrupted, but also by its commitment to civil liberties and the ideals espoused in the Constitution.

Comey was a federal prosecutor who served for several years as the US attorney for the Southern District of New York before coming to Washington after the September 11 attacks as deputy attorney general. In recent years, he's been an executive at defense company Lockheed Martin, general counsel to a hedge fund, board member at HSBC Holdings and lecturer on national security law at Columbia Law School.

The leaker of those National Security Agency programs, former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, also is the subject of an ongoing criminal investigation. And just this week, Mueller revealed the FBI uses drones for surveillance of stationary subjects and said the privacy implications of such operations are worthy of debate.

Security depends on safety measures, in that who is governing this safety measures in caring a Ruler and the People is the Concern is my view. so,
My best wishes to Mr.Comey.

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