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Saturday, April 30, 2011


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Hi friends followers here is a mesage about AIR INDIA.

The Pilot and all employees of AirIndia is on strike is known to all in the world. Their demands are seems to be right.

First and the Most prime demand of the people on strike is Government Must come for Dialogue. Thier is nothing wrong in this. But Government and the Minister of the Aviation Department Must start a Dialogue as early as possible is the demand from the People. People as passengers are in Trouble. Buisness in Crores in Loss to Government. If the Dialogue is not taking Place immediately than it is also a Corruption and It is also a Loss bringing Avenue to Government and People of this world. Air services are stopped completely. No action from Government and Government Threatens the people by telling Legal Laws and its sections,it is not right at the movement. It can be a starting point at the Dialogue. Government Must remeber Foriegn involvement in this strike is also a threat and possibility. If the Government is for the People,by the people and to the People as per preamble of Indian constitution than The Government headed by Mr.Manmohan singh must come forward to start  dialogues to resolve the ethnic issue.

Media and Press must involve in this matter now and to create a pressure on Government for a Dialogue.

Thank you. 

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Get paid: Games and sports

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Get paid: Games and sports: "This is a wonderful post tell you about Games and sports  Training availability at Stadium owned by Government. For example I have visited..."

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Games and sports

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This is a wonderful post tell you about Games and sports  Training availability at Stadium owned by Government.

For example I have visited chennai. their I saw Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium. It is very Big,and it has many halls for training Many Games. One for Volley ball. One for swiming, one for cricket,one for basket ball, one for Tennis, one for caram and for all other sports and Games.

Just as a Parents you have to digg the aspiration of your child and get her/his admission at this training Centers to get trained in the sports he/she is interested. You job has made easy. Make your children Happy in Summer Holiday Vaccation.

This is an opportunity to make your children a sports person.The fees are affordable only. Only few Trainers my be loking Hard, but they are very good trainers. Do not worry about Political people involvement.

Thank you enjoy the vaccation Holidays

Thank you.Water for Elephants
Heir To The Everlasting

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sports - swimming training at Swimming Pool

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Hi viewers here is a mesage on swimming training at Swimming Pool .

Government has opened many swimming pools to train swimming to your children.

Now it is a hot summer Vacation,so make your child joined in these swimming training centers and can sepnd the Holidays useful.

Off course In few swimming pools few people with rowdy set up backed by politicians are working ,so what leave it and can get enjoy training at Private Pools also. select your timing suitable for training.

thank you.Water for Elephants

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Sunday, April 24, 2011


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Hi viewer's To day is a Easter Day and this is a Lucky Day for me because Page Views of this blog is 4777.

This is a Popular Number in India. This is car Number of Late Chief Minister Mr. M.G.Rama Chandran.
Than he had another car registered from Maharashtra as M G R 4777.

Here I like to say one more information. Sathya sai baba car Number is A D A 9. This may be Ananthapur  District -Andhra 9.

It is well known information 4777 is a Lucky Number. A movie /film  also Named in Tamil as 4777.

Thank you.

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Get paid: The Baba Said So

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Get paid: The Baba Said So: "Hi My Dear Viewer's  here is a message letting you know ,The Baba Said So *In my present avatar, I have come armed with the fullness of the..."

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The Baba Said So

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Hi My Dear Viewer's  here is a message letting you know ,The Baba Said So*In my present avatar, I have come armed with the fullness of the power of formless God to correct mankind, raise human consciousness and put people back on the right path of truth, righteousness, peace and love to divinity.*The very fact that I announced that I am Shirdi Baba 40 years ago, when I was only 10 and when nobody in this part of the South had known or even heard of Shirdi Baba proves that I am Shirdi Baba incarnate.*I do not cheat people by transferring objects; I create them. Again, I do so not because of any need or desire of exhibition of my powers. For me, this is a kind of calling card to convince people of my love for them and secure their devotion in return.*Pumpkins and cucumbers can be materialised as easily as rings or objects. But these are perishable objects and the whole point of materialisation lies in their permanence. That is why rings or watches become more serviceable as talismans or means of contact.*I need no mantra (mystical formula), no sadhana (spiritual practice), no tantra (sacred writings) and no yantra (pilgrimage) to perform the so-called miracles which are natural to my state.*How can science which is bound to a physical and materialist outlook investigate transcendental phenomena beyond its scope, reach or comprehension?From a September 1976 interview to R.K. Karanjia of Blitz

My dear viewer's I read this publication in the following site . This is a part of the information only to read more may please visit the site. 
This I read from this site.To know more may please visit the site.http://expressbuzz.com/magazine/after-sathya-sai-baba-who/263471.html

 * In 1992, a newspaper ran a story that a cameraman of Doordarshan had filmed an assistant stealthily passing on gift objects to the Sai Baba at a public function. The film was not telecast. I understand that this may be a express Paper from tamil Nadu. 
My say;
In a Photo graph sai baba in a red chair  you can see a hand with out skin giving some thing to sai baba is also witnessed by many.. 

 This is my say:
As Miracles chains ,rings Vibhoothi were given to many  like  gavaskar, Tendulkar ,and many others in this world. You can see those things will change soon as  soil or ashes. 

Thank you. 

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The Avatar’s Successor?

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 Hi viewer's here is a message about The Avatar’s Successor? sathya sai Baba. The following is the message published and I read from this site.http://expressbuzz.com/magazine/after-sathya-sai-baba-who/263471.html . Please read the published in  full at this site. A few lines here for your immediate refference from this site given below.

 The Avatar’s Successor?Sai Baba’s frail health has brought the spotlight on R J Ratnakar, the most influential of all the members of the Sathya Sai Central Trust. Ratnakar, 39, is the son of Sathya Sai Baba’s brother late R V Janakiramaiah.Janakiramaiah, who was very active in the Congress, also worked as president of Anantapur District Congress Committee. Ratnakar, though not an avowed Congressman, takes interest in the party politics in Puttaparthi.After Ratnakar did his MBA at the age of 28, he worked for some time in the accounts department of United Breweries in Bangalore. He moved to Puttaparthi and began living there, following the death of Janakiramaiah in 2006.Ratnakar began showing active interest in the activities of the trust. He used to meet Baba every morning and evening, and spend most part of his time with him. This brought him close to Sai Baba. Sources say Ratnakar has control over cable television transmission in Puttaparthi and has a Hindustan Petroleum gas agency there too.State Industries Minister J Geetha Reddy and Ratnakar are good friends. Reddy, a staunch devotee of Baba, meets Ratnakar whenever she visits Puttaparthi.

Please visit that site to read more on this. 

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Saturday, April 23, 2011


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Hi friends and viewer's here is a message about A T M.

Yes! This is a splashing news on a t m. Now you can get the service of any time milk. This is also at your door.
Even in summer no shortage of Milk from different suppliers. But their is a shortage in Government supplt. This is because Government want to develop the Private Milk Brand suppliers. Their may be a possible understanding.

Because of Huge demand for quality Milk, Government has make attempts to make many points for Milk availability. This is also an essential service as described by Government,so They must Give importance to this Business and should try to get money to the cash Box of Government Treasury.Government must take some action on this matter.

Thank you. 

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Friday, April 22, 2011

Request to Google Blogger.com

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My dear Team at blogger.com by Google.com ,possibly when i could I expect my page Rank Back to Blog. How long you are going to punish me. I am Iswarya, B.E.civil engineer who did not got job placement after finished my studies by 2005 may.

so I entered in to Blobber.com which is a beat place for woman to work from Home . You have given me blog at free oc cost.It means Blogger.com Team by Google.com enabled me to have blog at your perusal is reflecting that you have provided Food in a plate.

But you have tied my hands by not giving even minimum page rank after posting for years is showing that you are not allowing me to eat the food you have provided. No it is not right. Please enable my survival to be continued , help me ,support me. offer me  page rank and forgive me for any sins I committed unknowingly at Google.com.

When my father ambition to become the President of India has to become True ,than I will certainly salute to your team  with handful of Thanks. Now I ahve my sincere Gratitudes to your Google Blogger.com team..May please help me.

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Love and Kindness at Stanley

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Hi friends and followers and viewer's here is a message about Love and Kindness at Stanley.

We know Christians are Normally have huge level patience . Here a Woman called Nirmala who is a wife of a Phaster Mr. Berlin working at C T Scan center at Stanley Hospital. Because her Husband Prayers and her natural tendency and good character , she says who to get tempted against Patients here.She also added , that sir, already they are with painful ,so they are comeing here for treatment,so we need to maintain patience. she Loves her Job and admire all patients to get served. patients are Luckt at Stanley Hospital to have such a Type of women.at this center. Some organizations has to come forward to find such woman to awrad to encourage her service. She is very attendive to all patients,Not only this,here is surprise, all people working at this center all against Bribe.

They are not taking any sort of bribe from any one is the special message.

On looking at this situations I believed she Mrs.Nirmala Berlin should be another Mother Thressa Born in India. what a great Luck to India.Christian Societies has to take step to know this truthfull matter to encourage these employees.

In India I find this when I visited Stanley Hospital on 16.04.2011 ,Saturday and on Monday  18.4.2011.at C T Scan center for a scanning purpose. Since I am a Good Friend Of Mr. Benedict at Vatican city ,The Holy Father ,I Humbly request   to guide christian society to Garland this Team and the Woman Mrs Nirmala Berlin.
A great Blow to Fanatics of any religion is also I found here. She is a Christian Woman but Maximum Number of Patients turns to this Hospital were belongs to Islam community. see the togetherness and acceptance of Humanity . Humanity is well established in this lady and her soul so that she attend all patients in a polite and calm manner. This is appealing to all who come here for treatment.Indian National Integrity is maintained here at this Hospital owned by Government is the special message flsah news.  Credit goes to Christian community which trained her patients in a great way.

so That I said she is another Mother Thressa in India. This is a great opportunity to serve this christian Lady by writing a Post to share these truth's as Miracle I found / happened to me at stanley Hospital. Thanks to Mr. Berlin -  Pastor - at Urrappakkam Church in India at Tamil nadu. I now started love pastors in this world, who pray for others well being. what a great people they are.

She is very young than Mother Thressa to enter in this Human service and she is very calm and delighted in rendering her service. Dr.Jaya Kumar and his Team Players were also very Much attendive to the Patients. They are in Time to the Job. They are careful in service. This Team is with all Good qualities. so we people on the Earth must be proud see such employees in a Government owned Hospital is Highly appreciatable. They must be Honored by Government as "Clean Workers" as a  step towards "Clean India". Government can provide them a neat Environment is the need, I believe and insist..

They say that they are well trained by their deen's .. well done deen's.

Media ,television and Press Notice Only mistakes of the Government servant but here it is necessary to look at this Great People at Stanley Hospital. 

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Globac XT

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hi friends and followers and viewer's here is a message about Globac xt. You may be thin but strong . you like to have muscles and fleshy look . on the other side few work for weight reduction with pills. Here you can have the chance to increase your body weight and fleshy look. For this You just buy Globac XT capsules one each for Thirty Days.or you can take the same in syrup form. this is prescribed by many knowledged Doctors for becoming Fat.

Thank you.

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stem cell preserving

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Hi friends and followers and viewer's here is a message about stem cell preserving. This is an extraordinary development in science and Technology ,off course again we will say science could not be able to produce a medicine to kill Musquitoe's. Now this is the time to appreciate this and to make involvement in this is a need of this time to your family.

If you preserve your stem cell in a library than it may cause you  asmall expense,but it is a openning for your future needs.

Take the matter of sathya sai Baba at Puttaparthi. He had crores and crores of Money. But he did not preserved the stem cell of his own. so Now he could not be saved. Other wise from his stem cell any needed organ can be developed and he would have been trated well .He would be alive Now. Bad Luck to sathya sai  , he has not done this ,because His Trust and Trusted people with him were not at all rustworthy. All sorrounding him were care about his assets and money. so that they have not done this. Because Money is not a problem for him. As soon he started his life with wheel chair ,His care taker's must have been told him to go for stem cell preservation and developments of few organs which is necessary for his life. But they have not done so. so they are Coward,including the chairman of All India Sathya sai Trust and seva Organization,(Chairman Position of sathya sai seva trust and organization is held by great scholars and Business man/Industrialists. so they can not say they do not know about this,this is recklessness).

Why I made to you all to hear this pathetic story of Crorepathy and religious leader life ,because to make your mind/idea  to preserve your cells in Library.

stem cell preservation will make you to live Long.

Thak you.

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Lens to see Nacked

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Hi friends and viewer's here is a message about Lens to see Nacked. You can see any thing in this world Nacled by using this lens. This is a rumour spread out in those days , at that time people use to say that few Hero's and Directors are using this lens in their Eye Glasses and see at the actress. But Today It seems to be Possible because Technological developments. So even though we are dressed some one can see nacked is Possible.

Thank you. 

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sai Baba

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HI friends and viewer's here is a message about shirdi Sai Baba. He was settled at shirdi. NO one knows about his father  and MOther Name details. No one know about his  birth date is also known to this owrld. He was brought up by a Fakir is the real Message. The child at the young age found out side of at the Fakir House who grown sai baba is the real News. Even his name by his parents is also not knowm.

Finding LOt of followers to him on date some people aded all these bogus details to cheat people.

Sai Baba was born in very early hours of September 27 or 28, 1835 to a poor Hindu couple, Gangabhavadya and Devagiriamma. The newborn infant is left in the woods, abandoned. The infant is immediately discovered and adopted by a childless Muslim fakir and his wife.

You can read this further at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/saibabalist/message/14737

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Anna Hazare

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Hi friends and viewers here is a message about Anna Hazare. He has created a correct pressure on the Government.But the setup of this time will not yeild the expected result. The expected result is all citizen are equal before law. All possibilities to deviation is to be prohibited.

So To have a Clean Government It is right for Anna Hazare to have Opposition party members in the committe to decide the empowered Lokpal Bill.

In India General election is  likely tocome in the last month of 2011 or in the first month of 2012. In that election anna hazare  has to form a political party and has to contest for Prime Minister of India.Than it is Possible to change many things in Political India, and Indian Economy Like Late Mr. Morarji Desai Ex Prime Minister of India.He is the Only Prime Minister in the History of India who cared  all people in India. .

so Correct all mistakes in Judicary,Executive and Legialature for changes to allow people to enjoy the meaning of democracy, a leader Like anna hazare is the Need of this time is my view.

Thank you.

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Vote Percentage

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Hi friends and viewer's this is about Vote Percentage in the recent elections in states of India. The election arragements for voting was welldone and well arranged.

This is the election had highest percentage of polling. This will become 100% ,if my suggestions are accpted.

Also I like to say this is the first time people are asked to wait up to 30 days for the result.
 This is wrong. This is against to reducing the expenses in a election. Voting through electronic machines ,so this  electronic world can give the result after one hour from the poling closed time of a booth. because already every booth is with tight security. so The result announcing will not cause any problem. Also to note that immediate result announcement in every booth cannot allow the politician to create any sort of danger to people. results from all the booth of a constituency will declare a result of a eelction.  so This will not allow politician gathering because on that day of election the contestants are scattered . He/she cannot make her nearness to all booths.

Holding a Long gap may allow the election commission or security may get in to wrong actions which may cause a wrong Result .People have the options to get fooled.Democracy has the option to get spoiled.

Thank you.
Thank you. 

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Monday, April 11, 2011

limitless joy

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Hi friends here is a flash news. This is about limitless joy . You know pretty well that we people are with limitless joy with limitless usage of Broadband connections from all services. similarly in this election on April 13 2011

Selvi J Jayalalithaa and her A I A D M K will be with limitless joy due to overwhelming victory.

I have predicted result itself . you can read this at this blog. I know I can not expect any source of help from J Jayalalithaa. But I as person B C, I could not help from the present government also.

Mamtha Banerjee will get a sweeping victory at West Bengal is also my prediction. Communist party will get vanished with the importance given by people to other parties like B J P and Congress.

The same situation going to be at Kerala. Communist party this time loose many seats. B J P likely to get few numbers. Congress will form a allied Government.

Assam will have a B J P Government . This is a very good beginning to B J P. B J P will form government with few alliances.

D M K party will  get few seats only. P M K and VIduthali Siruthai party will get defeated and they do not get any seats. END of D M K party will begin immediately after the New Legislative Assembly Formed at Tamil Nadu.

Thank you.

Thank you.

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hi friends and viewer's here is a message letting you know Adword.

This is very popular idea from Google.com Tem. This is a presentation available at google adwords as lessons.
Yes I could remeber your question in my last telephonic with you. You are asked me about adwords . Here i like to inform you if you open adwords lessons in google you can learn all these lessons and you have to write an exam at google.com . Than you will be a Google certified person for adwords.

In search  engine marketing Google adwords do a vital role in promoting your blog or site.Here youhave the option of education through lessons and by which you can get widen your knowledge to create advertisement with an investment of even ($1) one U S Dollar. Automatically you will become a genious in this Adsense and you can earn limitless from internet search engine facilities.

thank you.

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Get paid: Competition result

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Get paid: Competition result: "the following is my prediction for this election on April 13, 2011,AT TAMIL NADU , INDIA.      party name:    &nbs..."

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Competition result

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the following is my prediction for this election on April 13, 2011,AT TAMIL NADU , INDIA.
      party name:                                                            win (seats) 

A I A D M K    --                                                                156

D M K                --                                                                49

Congress         --                                                                       2

the .Mu.Thi .Ka - (D M D K )                                                 12

Manitha neya katchi Javhirullah ---------                                     3

Actor sarath kumar party             ------                                      1

Communist                                ------                                        6

Communist  (L)                         -------                                        4

Kongu Vellar Party                      -----                                         1
                                                     Total -------                         234
May please consider this for your Competition. may please publish. this.   you will find this result in the result on May 13,2011.
Selvi j jayalalitha has endorsed my points posted as messages in my blogs. Thank to J. Jayalalitha. The last message from me was Money can do any thing is the proverb But Huge Money with Karunanidhi on is not useful in this election to gain victory. for detail please visit http://getpaidatlink.blogspot.com. Updates available .

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Get paid: Congress in observation

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Get paid: Congress in observation: "hi this is about observation. Yes! yesterday I discussed with few people . They belong to Coimbatore. read the discssuion. Hi how ae you? I..."

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Congress in observation

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hi this is about observation. Yes! yesterday I discussed with few people . They belong to Coimbatore. read the discssuion.

Hi how ae you? I am fine How about you?

I am fine. Than the discussion changed its route to Politics.

O.k. what is your expectation ? and who will win at your constituency? here he said a news ,that is shocking.

he said congress victory is ruled out at coimbatore , he said. I asked why?  he replied that People at coimbatore never like Congress,in particular they do not like leaders like Nehru ,Mahatma Gandhi ,Indira Gandhi and others. Here hearing Gandhiji Name in the List I really shocked.
so no possibilty of congress victory. This is the area is well covered by B J P. But in politics B J P supports A I A D M K. .

so in Total, Congress out of 63 seats contesting it will win in 1 or two only.

Rahul Gandhi,sonia Gandhi,and manmohan singh visits and election rally will be utter failure one , they added.

Thank you. let us meet again in an another post with yet another interesting message.

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

j.jayalalithaa thanks to M.Karunanidhi

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j.jayalalithaa thanks to M.Karunanidhi

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Get paid: j.jayalalithaa thanks to M.Karunanidhi

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Get paid: j.jayalalithaa thanks to M.Karunanidhi: "Hi friends and follower's and  viewer's here is stunning turning Point in the history of Election In India. Yes! J.Jayalalithaa convey ..."

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j.jayalalithaa thanks to M.Karunanidhi

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Hi friends and follower's and  viewer's here is stunning turning Point in the history of Election In India. Yes! J.Jayalalithaa convey her Thanks to M.Karunanidhi for making a declaration about the success confirmation of A.I.A.D.M.K..

Yes! In a Meeting held at Chindadiripet Mr.M.Karunanidhi said that "success confirmed". He did not told that D.M.K. and allied Party success confirmed. Since He has admitted the forthcoming Landslide Victory of A I A D M K party she possibility of appraisal and conveying thanks by J Jayalalithaa can be expected today. Because By saying this comments he is admitting expected defeat of D M K.

People of this world Know pretty well that Congress Lead by K.V.Thankbalu contesting in 63 seats ,in which 60 or 61 seats Indian National Congress lead by Sonia Gandhi will get Defeat with Deposit Loss.

Since P M K and Viduthalai siruthai party united these two parties will have the possibility of winning two or three constituencies in this election on April 13 2011.

A.I.A.D.M.K. will get  victory in 156 seats out of 160 it contests.

Communist Party is will get success in many seats but it is going to Face a Major dashing and sensational Defeat at West Bengal will made this result useless.

Thank you.

Thank you. 

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Vote - Google

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Hi friends here i find a new adsense from Google publishing an advertisement requesting people to vote for D M K ,congress and its allied parties.

I felt this is bad from the part of Google ,because In politics people interst is secret. and in blogs if Google Adsense shows this than my viewers and friends and followers will think that My blog and Myself were supporters to this D M K Allied Parties.

in particular without knowing my interest  in this adsense, Google hurted my and my friends feelings. 

May I request Google to have a permission from the blog owner and doing this Google Adsense for Promotion of Political Parties canvasing for Vote will be a correct. Even Election Commission will also say this statement.I can not answerto my friends and followers on this Adsense. So Please google to forgive me for removing Adsense from this blog.

thank you.

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Anti corruption Bill

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Anti corruption Bill

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please visit

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Please visit http://youhavewonyahya-youhavewonyahya.blogspot.com.Thank you

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Anti corruption Bill

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Hi friends ,followers and viewer's here is a genuine claim to have empowered Anti - corruption bill.

In this matter after 5 attempts and after 42 years of administration by many political parties of India,Yesterday Anna Hazare has started Fasting at Maharshtra. His genuine attempt this time is well supported by Times Now and all other Media and press and People. I studeied Jan Lokpal Bill version 1.8 and It is correct and it has to be approved and authorized with out any deviation.this  is my support to Anna Hazare. Click here to read deficiencies in our present anti-corruption systems.

In this active support from kiranbedi is a  worthful support. She is the first Police officer IPS with anti corruption Data base in service. She has not been Honored By the government's but definitely she has been penalized. She went out of her service is  Huge Loss to Indian people Society.Now she is with this Anti Corruption Bill movement,which would have generated fire in many culprits (including Political culprits) mind and Thought.

The Anti corruption bill designed have Partially in its application. so these leaders and media wants This bill to be designed as a common to all people in all society. Poor or Rich ,Judiciary or Executive,or Legislative ,The demanding Anti Corruption Bill design by Anna Hazare and People of India will provide the equal Punishment and treatment to all in front of Law. This is waht we need now. In India corruption has gave idea to many to enter in Politics and they are with the intension to loot the public welfare.

Now Young Generation like Rahul Gandhi ,Jitendra and others has to Join in this Moment with an intension to Pass this Bill as it should be.Let us see the Young Generation involvement with in a day and they have to join in this fasting Rally.  My sincere Thanks to Baba Ramdev.

Welldone Kiranbedi. I Love Police.My Solute to you for your Courege. Like you Many I P S officers has to Join united to make India Clean. A Big Revolution in India in this regard is a needy of this time.

GoM includes -
Sharad Pawar,Veerapa Moily and Kapil Sibal. Mr. Pawar and Mr. Moily have a past of corruption and mis-deeds that the entire country if aware of. to read this detail visit http://www.indiaagainstcorruption.org/ and click Write to Prime Minister: in English.

Today Mr.sharad Powar has said he is ready to be away from the committe ,formulating the Bill. But People can understand this Drama. People still suspect sharad Powar and others quoted by Anna hazare. People Know his followers are capable of anything. If this Bill passed as early as possible than it will pave way to punish the criminals and offensive .  
Thank you.
The Lincoln Lawyer: A Novel

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Get paid: M G R and michaeljackson and Sathya sai Baba

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Get paid: M G R and michaeljackson and Sathya sai Baba: "The following shocking message to all viewer's.  The 85-year-old Sai Baba was admitted to Satya Sai Super Speciality Hospital at Putt..."

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M G R and michaeljackson and Sathya sai Baba

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The following shocking message to all viewer's. 

The 85-year-old Sai Baba was admitted to Satya Sai Super Speciality Hospital at Puttaparthy on March 28, following pneumonia and respiratory problems.

Possibility of recovery is less than 10%. 

Here we have to understand one thing that is M G R constructed Ramachandra medical college and University at Porur near Chennai on a Binami Name. This Hospital have all facilities , but This hospital did not helped in the survival of M G R.

similarly  Satya Sai Super Speciality Hospital at Puttaparthy  , constructed with all latest facilities of Medical World has not helped properly in maintaining the health of Sri Sathya sai baba.Now The doctors Team making a Drama to please the people at Ananthapur,in Andra Pradesh.

Sathya sai Baba released an authentic will for his assets to his relatives and Trust at the age of 77 .

Now he is at 85 years. In this gap of 8years plenty of accumulated assets is huge to his trust , so again their is a clash between his relatives is the rumour now.

we have seen  Michaeljackson at United States had plenty of assets at the time of his death. So his relatives ,claimed the death as not natural and they brought the doctor before Law. Similarly sathya sai Baba relatives and Trust will Blame the Doctors after sathya sai Baba death. This will also because of huge assets gained  from all  sources ,including Political people Black Money to convert to white Money from Many countries will definitely create a Huge show before Law is the expectation is my Prediction.

Mr. Karunanidhi have huge resource of Money but it is useless in tghis election and the Money has No /zero Value in this election is a Good Turning Point. So scoring Huge Money will not save your life is the Moral once gain established by the super power.

Thank you.

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

feed burner.com

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Here is a humble request from my end. On request url name change is accepted by google as a reconsideration but at feedburner the feed burner feed is with splashout the old url name http://splashoutman.blogspot.com,now it is not in existance and the same blog with the New Url Name http://getpaidout.blogspot.com.

Requesting subcription and feed from fgeed burner.com.
Thank you. iyshwar85@gmail.com

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Get paid: State Assembly Election's in India

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Get paid: State Assembly Election's in India: "Hi friends and viewer's this is letting you know about the state Assembly election's in Ten days. The election date and result date were a..."

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State Assembly Election's in India

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Hi friends and viewer's this is letting you know about the state Assembly election's in Ten days.

The election date and result date were already declared by Election commission ,is showing her power as autonomous body in India. Now election commission is very strict in her action.

Congress and its allies will get a stunning Defeat.

In Tamil Nadu A I A D M K and its allies will get remarkable result.

This is the result return of the elction  when M G R was alive . When M G R was the Chief Minister the same typical M P election with the wrong advice to Mrs.Indira Gandhi by D M K , saying that Cinema Fame of M G R has come to an end. At that time D M K and Congress succeeded in 31 M P constituencies and said M G R fame is out.  so Indira Gandhi was mis leaded by Tamil Nadu congress people also.But M G R lead A I A D M K had a huge victory and only 13 M L A's were got elected from D M K.

Ranjikanth and Cinema Industry would have forgot this action and result of D M K in that election.

similarly Now having a great success in the recent held M P election the tie up was arranged and it is going to be a big failure and shocking result. so Now Even after Death, M G R's Political party - A I A D M K is going to win with individual  majority. If you want to know the result plead read the post at http://getpaidatlink.blogspot.com

At west Bengal Mamtha Banerjee will be the next chief Minister.

At Kerala Congress  will try to Form The Government this time. 

In those days People use to say Pen is apowerful Tool and it can bring changes with immediate effect because of the strong and appealing words and informations.

similarly to me ,I will say blog by blogger.com from google is a powerful tool which can do give wonderful results with speed and time cause. Blog post's will reach in seconds than ant media /press/Television.

For example I have predicted the result of last election held for Tamilnadu state assembly and even wrote a letter about Mr. Stallin Position's and Promotion in social Life to D M K Chief (through a letter also by courier)  . But Not reciprocated by D M K chief is  pathetic. But result / prediction went exactly true.

In same way I have written a post to A I A D M K chief and Jaya network about the necessary need in allies when election held for M P. I strongly recommended that A I A D M K with B J P will get complete success in all 40 seats. But B J P has created a strong Base and A I A D M K  not responded and had allies with parties which i Have denied in my recommendation is a feeling to me. Selvi J.Jayalalitha is the person who gave life to P M K and M D M K and Janatha. Except Janatha with a single person Mr.subramaniyam swamy ,all other parties stabbed her at the back. 

Mr. seshan as election commissioner   has disqualified  P M K, M D M K lead by Vaiko and  janatha party because these parties last Deposit in that election held. Because of J jayalalitha these parties Again got live in politics of Tamil Nadu is known to all in India.

Now also I recommended  that A I A D M K not to have allies with M D M K and D M DK and told to contest in all 234 constituencies. but It was not happened. Because I believed that all these parties including Communist were suppoting (working behind the screen as positive to D M K) D M K even though they are allied with A I A D M K . 

A I A D M K Party By J.Jayalalitha ,started by M G R do not require these alliances is my strong recommendation.

Now state Assembly election's will be a Huge Failure and will become a threat to  Union Government led by Congress and allies.

Communist Party will come to an Drastc End in Political Senario/set up of India. Congress and B J P will exists for the Next Parliament Election in India.   People from communist party may contest in the Next election but it will face utter Failure's.

I am also having an ambition to get in to the President Election  of India at the appropriate time. I will succeed and I will Bring many radical and speedy changes in social set up of India.

Thank you.

Sharing views in all matters has become very simple and easy due to technology and the blog technology given by Google.com. My crdentials to Google.com team.

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