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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Google rank

Buzz It

why this blog is not getting google rank? i am surprised is this blog is out of google. even few days back google has given rank. why google has not considered this blog for rank. what happend to google team?what is the mistake in this blog. 

Google is offering life to many. in such a case Google has the right to say that to stop blogging. we will stop blogging. simply making we people to be in poverty. 

I feel many have under ground Link with google team so that they able to get Google rank,and in turn they make huge money. 

Already we have a knowledge that Payperpost and google has direct and confidential understanding. google can ask people to pay some service charges to google. Once when i forwarded a request to Payperpost.com with in no seconds the same Google Team has givern Rank. 

so I confirm that google Rank is not for we people in poverty. Google Team has Partiality.

While google is not interested with any blog than it can say to stop blogging. unwantedly google develops a wrong confidence with we people. Google must change its attitude. Google must be a straight Forwadrd in its policies and programes and procedures. 

why all confusions.

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