News on this blog spot offering matters and sites will enable your savings and income. This is the latest information letting you know,a change required - Democracy and Election in India.
Democracy and its developments are keenly watched by all countries on the earth.Democracy in India must be given much importance and must be revamped.many loop holes in legal areas in the democracy has to be changed or modified.
Elected party with 2/3 rd majority will rule the nation for five years.but at the same time on completition of 5 years ,the parliament intimates formarly and request the president to declare the election. President also with the concern of Election commission declares the date of election and result dates and probable date to new parliament and oath of minister's.
All these are correct in Democracy.
As soon the election date and other steps to form the next government declared ,The president can call for all governor's and officer's ,and the three force high authorities and can seek the needed service to run the government with the primeminister alone excusively as care taker government till next government form. this is not happenning in India. One side the contestants are from different political parties as ordinary candidate contesting for Member of parliament,where as on the other side a group of people contesting ascandidates for Member of parliament holding office as government ministers. Here the democracy is questioned. No equality is maintained between candidates. Since candidates holding office as ministers will certainly have high influence in all offices and officer's (may be including Election commission).
This style of contestants as candidate for Member of Parliament is defenitely questioning Democracy. Otherwise it is challenging the Democracy values.
so Honourable President must come forward with the concern of the present parliament to pass a bill or an amendment in Indian constitution to bring a change in our election and to addvalues to Our Democracy.
while the last session of parliament happens ,on that day the resignation of all ministers must be handed over to The President of india. So This will pave way for a election with the ethics of Democracy.If the same process continued than People Confidence on Democracy is Challanged.
The Member of Parliament has become a profession instead of a person with high social responsibilities is the presnt attitude. It needs to be changed.
Thank you for your visit. rest of my messages in the next text. bye bye.
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