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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Organizing America

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Hi my dear readers and friends here is a message about Organizing America.  .

In technology connected to I T Industry we people use computer and Internet for the major work and share in operation by Microsoft and Google. Just think and imagine this world with out this I T Industry, Computer and Internet Industry and Team with increasing population of this world. I strongly will say crores and crores of people survive because of these industries. Otherwise Lot of confusions would have erected, in connection to the confusions few years back itself this world would have faced the Third world war with the use of atoms. We all aim not to have any war on this world. To the maximum extent the computer/I T Industry has helped a lot to this world in overcoming many matters directly or indirectly .Also to note in overcoming financial crisis also This Industries with their team doing their best is also known to us. So let us also support to them by purchasing genuine branded products only from the authorized market.

 Both American Government and U N O and Nobel Prize commitee has to think in this matter to honor them for the happenings globally.Governments can recommend both, chairman-Microsoft,and chairman - Google for Nobel Prize or any award more than that keeping in mind their services including noble causes. 

I like to take liberty and privilege to say this following line. This is to all Industries connected to computer and Internet promotions. You are all working together to reach the highest on every day. Every attempt gives us an innovation. So I feel that you can adhere the following in united. In competition you should not to allow furious market growth. It is unfortunate it is raising and growing on every day. Media and press were also not taking action on this is a peculiar one in this world. They were very sound in action and alerting people even in the matters of human body parts lootings and why they have not concentrated in huge money flowing business which struck the economy. At present you and all the government knew this furious market growth. The world is in financial disturbance, so now you all need to take kind attention and action on this.

Yes! Please say to all end users of Computers and Internet to furnish their invoice details of their computer /laptop/accessories purchases. With this if you reveal and offer warranty settlements you can boost the original equipment sales in the market. Automatically the furious sellers will be vanished from the market. Opportunities are taken quickly by furious spare market and it is up to you to decide and accept the task before all warranty (claims including purchases from unauthorized market people) are settled.

This is the decision has to be taken collectively by all Industries connected to computer and computer accessories & peripherals.

This step will prove as a great boon to sales and marketing .Hope you will do this. Governments will also very good revenue towards sales tax.To the expected level governments may also can extend their support in this matters.

Thank you. Please visit more and more to read many more matters to come. I will be back with a new post in a short while.

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Friday, January 22, 2010

a serious matter

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Hi my dear readers, viewers, followers and broad casting friends, Google users across the world, groups/communities, please accept my Thanks for your kind support at all time for all posts published here.

Here is flash news on Treatment for Chikungunya. Take care of your health by preventing mosquito bite. This is a serious matter. Governments/rulers, UNO, UNESCO and other leading welfare organizations were taking many steps to save people from mosquitos. You must keep repellants in regular use or you can use Liquid mosquito vaporizers to prevent mosquito entry in your living areas.

There is no specific antiviral treatment currently available. Aspirin should be avoided during the acute stage of the illness. In arthritis not responding to analgesics, chloroquine is recommended.

So please take care of your health. Wish you all a good health at all times.

 Rulers and governments may please continue the same support by spraying mosquito repellants in the areas where people in poor /poverty condition. This may become mandatory to care the new generation from the poor people in poverty segment.

Thank you. Visit again to read the new post with interesting news. Please stay in touch for ever. 

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Thursday, January 21, 2010


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Hi to my dear readers, viewers, followers and broad casting friends, Thank you all for your kind continuous presence. Your support is my strength. The strength is most powerful because it is our Friendship. Here is a message about Keywords. Few words mean a complete Lesson to Human community. Here I like to tell few from it. They are;

Health      --------------- the greatest asset.

Contentment ------------the greatest fortune.

Charity -----------------the most powerful action.

Forgiveness -------------the crown of greatness.

Revenge -----------------the meanest action.

Customer ---------------the most unpredictable.

Death -------------------the most uncertain.

With this I conclude this post. let come back with a new post with new matters to inform  you to get benefits.

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Sunday, January 17, 2010


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Hi my dear friends, readers, followers, and broad casting friends Thank for staying connected.  I request you all to raise your voice to Governments/rulers in the nations to Privatization of employment exchange's run by Government. I feel they are not functioning to the need of the human society. They do very lethargic and sluggish in nature. So Government in all countries may opt for privatization or may hand over the employment exchanges owned by government to be operated by consultantancy groups like Tata consultancy and etc for a trail period. After wards the government can decide on this matter. 

Even you may think that this is my personal curse to employment exchanges. All people in this world will feel the same in this matter. No body will vary in this opinion. This is an unwanted expenditure to the governments with the present set up of administration. This is my opinion. Please share on this topic.

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Multi functional chair

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Hi my dear readers, viewers, followers, broad casting friends, media, press, and internet users on Google Thank you for staying connected. I welcome and solute to your kind support at all times. I know you are eagerly waiting to read a new post.

Here it is. This is a message letting you know Multi functional chair. My dear friend you have demanded me information about Medical chairs. I find that sella - new generation multi functional chair is ergonomically and friendly design brings a number of advantages and ease for immobile person and service staff. It is low weight, sitting comfort in all private care with adjustable armrest, central brake increases Patient safety, light weight comfortable for transport, Easy to clean and maintain and other facilities. To know more on this beautiful presentation by K M Bio Med available at Madurai, India visit the site www.bestmedical.in to order your requirements. The technology you can Trust. I do not have sufficient money at this time; i am a poor fellow ,otherwise I will buy one and present it to you for your comfort. Please forgive me. I love humane.

Government / rulers may order this type of chairs to be made available at all government hospitals as a care by the government.

I know you will not miss this opportunity of buying Electrical motorized chairs for your convinience.Do not hesitates to delay in this matter. Go ahead to buy this and use to get high comfort and Live better to enjoy this world.

Note: Requesting people who can able to support financially and instrumentally please go head for these instruments purchase and may direct the same to the suffering people at Haiti.  Or you can send your Donations in this form of medical chairs and bed and other instruments to United Nation’s organization, and it will be useful to care people where ever in trouble on this earth. Or at this time may please donate to Organize America.com to help U S government to help the people in need.

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Saturday, January 16, 2010


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Hi my dear readers, viewers, visitors, followers and broad casting friends welcome your support as token of appreciation for posts at this blog. Thank you all.

Here is a message of the day. It is about sucking. Yes! Many babies have been known to do thumb- sucking. Blisters can be seen on the wrists and fingers of Newborn babies as a result of intrauterine sucking. Thumb sucking comes naturally to a baby and is not related to any single factor like hunger, emotional insecutiry.It is a habit largely observed in the new born period and at the time of teething. Most children give up this habit by the time they reach the age of six.

Thank you all for reading this post in full. 

Please visit more and more to read many interesting news to come.

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

DDR2 and DDR3

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Hi my dear readers, followers, viewers and broad casting friends here is great news available for you at this new post. Yes! I am looking for your well being at all times both in your health and wealth.

I know that you are having Laptop's and Mini Note books. I know, due to sever competition in business you want to Increase the Ram memory and to speed up your computer/Laptop/Notebook. Do not worry, here it is a solution readily available at upgrade your laptopmemory and speed by Mac forRAM version in DDR2 and DDR3 . So click this link immediately your expected solution available at an incredible price. I want to benefit you, so make use of this opportunity. Write to me or call on my mobile to tell about your best experience. Hope you will be happy on this matter.

They care their quality and your satisfaction as two eyes in a human life.

Thank you visit more and more to know more and more on many matters from our all walks of life.

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Laptop Memory Upgrade from Mac

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Hi dear Readers,viewers,Google users, followers and Broad casting friends ,Welcome you all to Read this New post. At this fine situation I would like to thank you all for your gracious presence and continuous support. No Doubt we have become thickest friends.

Here I want to share a Latest News of this Hour today is about Laptop Memory Upgrade from Mac. Just now I read this message, it is valuable information, and so, I wanted to keep you informed about this. This New post is an outcome of that feeling. 

I remember in our last meeting that you are telling me about to upgrade memory in your Laptop’s. So I felt this message is really worth full to you at this situation. I know you have few laptop's and Mac Note nooks in use at your office. When I visited your office on the occasion of Annual day Function on January 1st 2010, I saw few laptops in different branded makes at use in your office.

Now this is the right opportunity to go ahead with upgrading your Laptops and Mac notebook memory. Mac apple offers this upgrading facility which helps improving the speed of your computer also. In the present world Speed is an important tool in doing in any business is utmost expected. Both speed and memory upgrade available from Mac in one word that is Quality. You can Install this immediately at your Laptops is my best suggestion at this time. It is a fact; you always took my word/suggestions in your prior matters. So now you can apply this laptop memory change applicable to dell, Sony, hp and any other brand of Laptop's and Note books. 

Laptop memory upgrade from Mac is distinguished one and now you can install this ram in addition at incredible price. I know that you will not miss fine opportunity, so click any link in this post will take you to the site instantly.

Thank you for allowing me to share these truths.

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Friday, January 8, 2010

Just Released Top secret about Miss. universe

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Hi my dear readers, followers, and my beloved broad casting friends Welcome you all with immense pleasure to red this new post about Just Released Top secret about Miss. universe. How to be Beautiful Girl/women in the Universe? Yes. Every women/girl/aged woman wants to be Beautiful in this world. Few want to be so beautiful in this universe. What you have to do to become Miss. universe.

Hi dear this is the top secret. Drink Aloevera drink daily and use aloevera soap. You will be the beautiful girl on the earth. You can use this for your babies.

Not only has it stopped with this. Other Remedy from Aloevera Drink are ,it helps in curing blood sugar level,Gastric,stomach Ulcers, white discharges in women urinal ,Piles,Rheumatism,rthritis,Lubricants,Joints,Enhances cell growth, and improve immunity.

Now you want to skip from this post and going to visit the site. Your Approach is Very good. Keep it up.

Visit again to read a new post. Please visit http://payperpostgetatpal.blogspot.com to know, How to use this Drink?

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Thursday, January 7, 2010


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Hi my dear readers, viewers, followers, google blog users, and my dear broad casting friends, Thank you for staying connected.

Here is a message letting you know Donate.

Lot of matters on this earth connected to this Donate. But here is a request is a different one. Yes! You all know many Human lives are claimed death due to unavailability of Human organs. We cannot avoid death, but can help few others life to prolong. Few may be in need of Eyes, or other human part. While some body dead with in few hours Eyes can be removed and used to transplant to other human .By this act The dead person is still can able to watch the world in action.

Can you make a difference to at least one life? If you would like to donate your organs after death, do let your family know about this humane wish, and also get a donor card expressing this desire.

Organ transplantation has been associated with major scandals in the recent times and which have often been highlighted by the Media. With this message please do not skip your idea of donating yes,/organs after death to some others.

We are living with many genuine people in this human society. In all matters good and bad exists. Good level is also increasing in the population because of many generous minded people like you.

Help the Medical profession to do better service to the human society across the world.

Thank you.

Rush to visit again to read the new post here at this blog. Good day.

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